成都中洲里程样板房B-Chengdu Zhongzhou Mileage Model Houses B

Design Notes: 从呈现出现代主义外观的结构、材质的体现和灵活开放的室内空间,更是个兼容旋律、诗意并令人愉悦的空间。? From the appearance of the modernist appearance of the structure, material embodies and flexible and open interior space, is a compatible melody, poetic and pleasant space. 力求提升创作视野、创意执行和创新美学去引导作品的完成。 And strive to enhance the creative vision, creative execution and innovative aesthetics to guide the completion of the work. 过程中设计团队格外关注室内设计与建筑本体的呼应,从而探索出新的生活方式,并坚持每个设计点都保证高度艺术水平的理念,务求达到最佳效果。 The process design team is particularly concerned with the echo of the interior design and the building ontology, thus exploring a new way of life and insisting that each design point ensures a high level of artistic excellence in order to achieve the best results. 整个设计过程中对空间特殊的结构重新构架了新的界定,从而衍生出原本被浪费的空间。针对建筑物立面的状况,挖掘出新材料的特性,提议并运用创新的色彩方案。使其完全接受新的开放式而非传统的格局形态,做到极致的美观与实用并存。 ?? The whole design process re-framed a new definition of space-specific structures, resulting in a space that was originally wasted. In view of the situation of the facade of the building, the characteristics of the new material are excavated, and the innovative color scheme is proposed and applied. So that it completely accept the new open rather than the traditional pattern of form, so that the ultimate aesthetic and practical coexist.