设计说明: 为生活而创造,去除浮华,还原本质。倡导简约、质朴、回归自然的生活方式是每一个设计师的职责。 本案在设计中大面积使用木色使整个空间充满禅意。契合设计师追求朴素的禅味,营造富有现代意味的“禅境”。木、石材,玻璃,以及标本饰品,都是来源自然的馈赠。彼此间通过默契搭配,让空间充满清新,自然。在软装饰品的选择上,或者说生活方式的表达上,从茶具、灯具、沙发布艺都是选取原色,彰显了静谧、优雅的品味。 Design description: Create for life, return to nature. To advocate simple, unadorned and natural living style is the duty for every designer. Wood color is largly used in this case to make the space fully Zen styled. Designers intend to create a modern ‘Zen World’for the persuit of pure feeling of Zen. Wood, stone, natural glasses and specimen decorations are all the natural gifts from Nature that make the space fresh and primitive in the hands of designers. Soft desorations or the household items from tea sets, lamps to sofa and cloth stuffs are all in their original colors to deeply show the peaceful and graceful taste.