设计说明:整体呈开放式的空间布局,又各自独立的洽谈区域,将东方的包容态度融入空间布局中,设计上以简洁的横向和纵向线条结构,搭配优美弧线的旋转楼梯,展现空间的简洁与精致,更结合点状、带状情境光源,凸显山水屏风、花艺软装承托主空间的东方意境之美,隐喻内敛中蓄势待发的生命力。 东方文化的表达和传递,不能拘泥于形式上的符号,更重要的是空间气质的营造和意会。“山浪峰涛,层层叠叠”,山和水的融合是静与动的搭配,亮灰色地坪延展的空间开阔而宁静,动线配置也如同空间气质的延伸。主空间墙面纤直的金属条排列与建筑外观相呼应,局部的挖空,用以透出光线,寓意着正直、沉稳与突破,正如华润企业传达的精神,追求品质,不落俗套,坚持自我精神价值体现。 设计师在材质的搭配挑选上也是颇具用心,墙地面均臻选古罗马灰拼接、局部点缀孔雀蓝玉、黑白根等天然石材,搭配别具设计师独创研发的工艺玻璃,在光线下呈现出如流水般波光粼粼的水纹效果。以石材、艺术玻璃、金属网及灰色不锈钢等金属的材质对比凸显细节品质感,形体大气而不张扬,细节精致而富变化,呈现简洁轻盈又不失优雅的东方气韵。 This Sales center had a open space layout and independent discussion region. It brought the oriental attitudes towards inclusion into the space layout. Using the simple horizontal and vertical lines structure, tie-in graceful curving spiral stairs to show the simplicity and refinement. Combining point and strip shape light source to highlight the landscape screen. Also the floral soft outfit supporting the oriental beauty of main space. It is a metaphor of emerging power. The transaction and expression of the oriental culture, not rigidly adhere to the form of symbols, it is more important to create the space temperament and sense. "The mountains look like the sea wave, layer upon layer." The integration of mountain and water is a combination of static and dynamic. The bright gray ground floor space is open and quiet. The extension line configuration as the space temperament. The metal strip of the vertical wall of the main space is aligned with the appearance of the building. The hollowing out part is used to give a ray of light. It indicates moral integrity, calm and breakthrough. Just like what China Resource Enterprise conveys - the pursuit of quality, unconventional, adhere to the spirit of self value. Designers put a lot of effort on material selection. The wall and ground were all selected from the ancient Rome gray. It also used the ornament peacock Sapphire and black white root natural stones to collocation with designed glass, in the light, it will show the water sparkling effect. The use of stone, art glass, metal mesh and gray stainless steel and other metal materials highlights the quality of the details. The Shape of this space conveys a high-end and groovy feeling, and the details are delicate and rich. It shows us the elegant oriental charm. Meanwhile, it is concise and lithe.