
让温暖萦绕其间 Let the warmth linger 当浮躁与功利甚嚣尘上,压力泛滥而来,遗忘的是初心,迷失的是温情。通过空间打造,感染居住者的性情,变得平静、善良,让家人之间更加温暖而有爱,家庭氛围融洽而亲密。 When impetuous and utilitarian rampant, The pressure is coming, Forgotten is the beginning of the heart, Lost is the warmth, Create space, The disposition of infected inhabitants, Be calm and kind, Let the family more warm and love, Family atmosphere is harmonious and intimate 本案采用现代中式的空间设计手法,运用中式独有圆润的元素符号,放大于室内空间,在空间序列上贯穿一条主轴线,层层递进,一步一景,形成一府、一院、一园的空间格局,浅浅温暖的色调平静人心而柔软温和。 The use of modern Chinese space design techniques, The use of Chinese unique round element symbols, expand interior space, Running through a main axis in the space sequence, progressive relation layer by layer, One step one scene, The spatial pattern of a government, a yard and a garden, Shallow warm tone calm and gentle