
城市生活并不如日韩剧中描述的那么浪漫,每天不停的奔波,曾幻想有一片桃源,面朝大海,春暖花开。我们好像被困在这城市的森林里,给予自己的无非是一间小小的、时尚的房子,等待繁华落尽的那刻精彩。快节奏,时尚前卫正是这套案例的设计标签。如同纽约都市的璀璨繁华、芝加哥的歌舞升平以及玛丽莲?梦露的性感热情,让人迷恋其中。整体的大都会风格用壁纸打造了空间的基调。巴黎卢浮宫的照片占据了客厅大幅的墙面,艺术气质和时尚感兼具;与餐厅、吧台的菱形回纹壁纸交相辉映,线条简练,都市之气浓郁十足。简单而明亮的黄色,犹如点睛一笔,单纯的通过色彩弥补了空间的刚毅,表现出现代都市人不失个性的自我主张。金属质感的家具及装饰品,通过夸张的造型,力求在冲突的表现中寻求内敛的情感,融合了理性与感性的风格,足以诠释大都会的风情万种。最喜欢的是空间里那些独特的花瓶、器皿、灯具和软装饰品,她们姿态各异,丰富的立体感和舒适度,温暖着家里的每一个角落;明媚的色彩,栩栩生辉。在华灯初上的夜晚,泡一杯咖啡,坐在柔软的皮质沙发里,远眺窗外的车水马龙,亦幻亦真,你会感叹生活如此美好。设计的魅力不在乎你用了多少材料与金钱的堆砌,而在乎情感,在乎设计者对生活洞察的一点一滴,柏仁设计所带来的不仅是对美的追求,更多的是一种生活的感动:有家,有风格,有自我。繁华落尽之处,蓦然回首,家在灯火阑珊之处。The city life is not as romantic as described in Japanese and South Korean dramas. We rush about every day. Perhaps once we fancied a land of idyllic beauty facing the sea, where flowers bloom in the warm spring. It seems as if we were trapped in the forest of city and gave ourselves nothing more than a small and fashion house, waiting for the splendid in the moment when all prosperities vanish. Quick tempo, vogue and avant-garde are labels of this case. Like the brilliant and bustling New York City, songs and dances to extol the good times in Chicago and sexuality and enthusiasm of Marilyn Monroe, it fascinates people. A whole piece of metropolitan-style wallpaper sets the tone of the space. Photos of Louvre in Paris take up most of the wall in the sitting room. They are both artistic and fashionable and echo with the rhombus and fret wallpaper in the dining room and bar counter. The lines are concise and have a strong urban atmosphere. Simple and bright yellow is just like a punch line of the whole design. It compensates for the masculinity of space using color, to express the self-assertion of modern citizens without losing their personality. Metal furniture and decorations strive to seek intrapersonal feelings in conflicts, using exaggerated modelling. They fuse reason with emotion and suffice to interpret the amorous feelings in metropolises. My favorites are unique vases, vessels, lamps and decorations in space. They have different postures, rich sense of three-dimension and comfort. They warm every corner in the house. The radiant color is just so dazzling. When the city lights up, make a cup of coffee, sit in a soft recliner and overlook the heavy traffic outside the window. Between reality and illusion, you may gasp in admiration: what a beautiful life! The charm of design doesn’t lie in how many materials and how much money you pile. It lies in emotion and designer’s insight into life bit by bit. Bairen Design not only brings a pursuit of beauty, but rather, moves your heart, with home, style and ego. When all prosperities vanish, all of a sudden, when you turn about, that is your home, where lanterns are few and far between.