小步舞曲 Minuet Boccherini

20坪的住宅空間,在與屋主溝通討論中,規納出夫妻兩的生活習性,設法從微型空間創造更多實用的機能性與空間舒適感。 首先針對動線,將原先分配不均的二房一廳,透過隔間的調動,改善空間使用性與畸零地;再者,書房採用活動家具,可因應未來成員的增加自由調整為靈活運用的空間,透過大面玻璃讓光線流通,放大公共區域;當拉廉放下時,依然能保有獨自領域。再來,強化收納機能,善用牆面與樑柱畸零地解決屋主的收納困擾,讓惱人的雜物一一找到歸屬。增加空間使用性,轉化為變成更為友善的居住環境。 最終,在材質選用上,以柔和沉靜的自然木質與大地色系,搭配輕盈活潑的軟件,宛如一首相互和諧的曲調,襯托出夫妻的個性,木作包窗將戶外景致框成空間的一幅畫,藉由小細節提升巧思,讓居家生活就像是沐浴在小步舞曲中,放鬆而愉悅。 According to living habits of the married couple, we overall planned the 712 square foot small space with multifunctional design and comfortable atmosphere. First of all, we planned the traffic flow to adjust compartments, and improve Space Utilization. The study room is equipped with movable furniture to make space allocation flexible, and it is easy to adjust space if there are new family members in the future. Using large glass windows to make public space seem bright and even larger, on the other hand, put down the curtain make the entire room become a private space. Moreover, to enhance functionality of storage, we used fractional space such as wall that owner can store more things inside. A high Space Utilization rate actually makes the living environment more comfortable. Throughout the house, we took natural wood and earth tones materials matching light and lively decorations. Whole interior design brings a balance and shows exclusive personality that is like the married couple. And the wooden frame window is like a real picture in the room, and every little detail not only makes people relax but also makes life full of fun and joy.