線徑/現境 Line Path

回家,代表放鬆心情,慢下腳步,沈澱思緒,讓靈魂重生。 以光影、材料、線條引導視線及動線,構築緩慢新生的想象,同時保持空間開放,自由。 透過材料、線條交替,由原始粗獷轉入精緻細膩,由動態傾斜延伸至靜態垂平。甫出電梯,一堵原始黝黑石牆,讓人沈澱思緒,步入明亮純淨的客廳,雜緒不再,輕鬆而悠閒。 期待家人多些自然互動,我們整理空間,使動線共通。將電梯、鞋櫃、廁所等機能集中,創造自由動線,並加入微展示,打造「相遇迴廊」,讓相遇變得有機、趣味。 迴廊旁,日光由天井灑入。客廳電視牆的開口,將綠意、光影帶入空間,為理性純淨的空間增添生氣,洗滌繁雜,歸於沉靜。 私人起居則以相異元素,打造和個人特質相襯的家居空間。 主臥以曲線流體交錯乘載男女主人一切需求機能,優雅地流動至書房,天光、植栽與水泥的原始對話,平靜人心。 孩房以流暢弧線的白連貫木紋,沙發空間提供好友相聚,點綴粉藍色,詮釋女孩溫柔隨和的特質;俐落線條分割空間,不同氛圍的組成順應各種情境,打造男孩條理分明的空間;連貫曲線由天花延伸至檯面,圍繞映著雪花柔光的透明光箱,表現女孩的靜與動。 房外共用外陽台,串起一家的共同回憶,加深手足之情。 回到家,卸下繁雜歸於平靜自在。 Returning home means to relax the mood, slow down the pace, condense the thoughts, and rejuvenate the soul. As vision and movement are guided by lights and shades, materials, and lines, the imagination of gradual regeneration takes shape while the space remains open and accessible. Through alternations of materials and lines, the primitive and rugged design leads into an exquisite, delicate space. The dynamic, tilted style extends and modifies to become a still and horizontal pattern. One step outside the elevator is a primitive black stone wall that allows people to condense their thoughts. When they walk into the bright and fresh drawing room, all distracting thoughts would be replaced by a relaxed and casual mood. In the hope to promote casual interactions between family members, we organized the space to group pathways together. Facilities such as the elevator, shoe cabinets, and bathrooms are centralized to create a pathway for free movement. Small exhibitions of artworks were also added to construct a corridor of encounter, adding sparkles of fun to meeting people. By the corridor, daylight radiates down through the inner roofless courtyard. The opening on the TV wall in the drawing room brings in a touch of green and lighting into the area. This adds the element of vitality to the sensible and purified space, and removes any burden from the peaceful atmosphere. Meanwhile, bedrooms that match personal characteristics are designed with various elements. With a flowing, curvy pattern, the master bedroom satisfies all of its owner’s functional requirements. The design is elegantly extended to the reading room, where one can immerse themselves in the calming conversations between the daylight, plants, and cement. The girl’s room features streamlined, continuous white wood patterns. The sofa space allows friends to gather around. It is decorated with touches of baby blue to illustrate girls’ soft and easygoing qualities. The boy’s room is enclosed by clear-cut boundaries; the composition of a range of atmosphere is context-dependent and creates an orderly space for boys. Another kid’s room has continuous lines that run from the ceiling to the table surface, surrounding a transparent light box that reflects soft snowflakes. This demonstrates the different aspects of the still and dynamic features of girls. Outside is a shared balcony, a place that allows for the creation of family memories and the strengthening of the love between siblings. Returning home is unloading any burden and returning to a peaceful and relaxed mood.