福州凯宾斯基酒店Kempinski Hotel Fuzhou

酒店设计从中国传统院落中汲取灵感,提炼出“院、门、扣、花”符号,贯穿于整体设计之中。并从当地拥有悠久历史的船政文化中吸取外形特点,结合当地独具特色的自然景观打造个性尊贵的酒店空间。大堂的吊灯灵感来源于福州市花茉莉花,将其枝条和花瓣碎片重新设计组合,以层叠的空中花园的优美姿态展现,犹如在阳光下闪耀的小钻石又像在风中飘零的雪花。室内装饰方面,门拱形状、窗棂纹样由古老的传统装饰加以演化和提取,化为独具特色的现代装饰。墙面分割拷究,让整个空间布局层次分明,整体上营造出了一种既保有传统文化精髓又具现代感的独特空间。 The hotel design inspiration arises from the traditional Chinese courtyard where its primary elements of ‘yard, door, buckle, and flower’ have been extracted and transformed into details applied throughout the hotel. Furthermore, the local shipping culture of Fuzhou has provided a lot of ideas for the design team to seamlessly blend it with local scenery and apply it throughout the design. Inspired by the city flower jasmine, a majestic chandelier sits at the center of the towering lobby ceiling and completes the noble yet grand atmosphere. Its petals and branches, seemingly like small diamonds glittering in sunlight cascade and scattered snowflakes blowing in the wind gracefully like a hanging garden. As for the interior decoration, the gate arch shape and window lattice pattern are extracted from traditional decorations and evolved into unique modern decorations. The division of walls makes the whole space well-arranged, thus creating modern design infused with touches of the traditional culture.