中德华建办公室(ZhongDeHuaJian office space)

本案是位于中国郑州的一间办公室,设计摒弃了传统办公室的严肃紧张的气息,而是传达一种东方自然的感受。中国人说无规矩不成方圆,可又说上善若水。规矩不可无,但规矩也可以像水一般的柔顺,高境界的善行就像水的品性一样,泽被万物而不争名利。办公室不仅仅只是工作的地方,它还应承载对人生的理解和期望。 (This case is an office in China Zhengzhou, abandoned the traditional design office of the serious air of tension, but convey an Oriental natural feel. The Chinese say nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards, can be said again the supreme virtue is water, but rules can also be soft like water, high level of the nature of goodness is like water, embracing all things without struggle fame. Office is not just a place to work, it should also carry on the understanding of life and expectations.)