work hard ,work green

本案位於敦化南路——台北市最具代表性的林蔭大道。建築物外牆採用帷幕玻璃,使得室內能接收絕美的樹冠景色。我們希望辦公室能與綠帶緊密結合,創造在樹屋工作的美好想像,因此利用開放空間和通透的清玻璃,讓窗外的綠意能直達每一個角落。 我們讓裝修工程盡可能簡化,將管線、水泥地坪、未上漆的夾板表面直接展現原始樣貌,並選用線條簡單的家具,塑造質樸的空間氛圍。利用三張深淺不一的藍色沙發組合,配上立燈和花紋地毯,成為整個辦公室的焦點,也借此揉合生活與工作兩種氛圍。 清玻璃隔間在聽覺上隔離了主管室,但整個辦公空間、接待區吧台和沙發區都融合為一體。燈光設計上則捨棄傳統辦公室均亮的作法,改用重點式照明塑造不均質的層次感。 The office is located on Dunhua S. Rd. – the most iconic boulevard in Taipei. The view of the treetops fully blends in with the interior space as the all-glass facade is used for this building. In order to create a strong connection with the green space and an immersive tree-house-like working experience, we took advantage of open-plan layout and glass partitions so that the scenery can be easily reached from everywhere in the office. As for making an unadorned interior, we have simplified the decorative construction, revealed the nature of the pipes, cement floor, as well as unpainted lumber core plywood; not to mention a fine selection of minimalist furniture. The sofas are in three different tones of blue, the floor lamp and a dotted carpet become the highlight of the office. The atmosphere of working and living is interweaved as well as balanced. The director office room is separated by the glass partition for sound quality. However, every corner in this office still visually integrated with reception and lounge area. On the other hand, instead of using uniform lighting design for traditional office, we have used various spot lamps to create light and shade for the creation of spatial layering.