摩宁生物办公室Manning Biological Office

风绕竹林过,绿从影中来。在本案的设计中,设计师以雪般的纯洁,以竹般的灵动,以风般的律动,以光般的轻柔构造出一个清雅宜人的办公空间。 过于隆重的铺设,会让人心感疲惫。轻轻一笔,淡淡一描,就足以让人沉醉迷离。前台以弧形展现优雅,运用中式园林的窗景手法,以清风打开一个小口,偷来一抹青翠。竹,凝聚着这个空间的灵魂,贯穿着整个设计的主线。 过道运用的对称的手法进行设计,在灰色地板的尽头,门再将视觉无限延伸,门的背后,朦胧间,似乎存在着一大片竹林,略带着几分诗意。翠绿的玻璃幕墙,将会议室、办公区划分出来,点缀上几盏吊灯,几盆绿植,则一片春意盎然。 Wind around the bamboo forest, green from the film to. In the design of this case, the designer of the snow-like purity, bamboo-like Smart, the wind-like rhythm to light-like soft structure to create a pleasant and elegant office space. Too grand laid, will make people feel tired. Gently, a touch of a description, it is enough to make people intoxicated blurred. Front to the arc to show elegance, the use of Chinese garden window window approach to the breeze to open a small mouth, to steal a touch of green. Bamboo, embodies the soul of this space, throughout the main line of the design. The use of the symmetry of the aisle design, in the gray floor at the end of the door and then unlimited visual extension of the door behind the hazy, there seems to be a large bamboo, slightly with a bit poetic. Green glass curtain wall, the conference room, office area divided out, dotted with a few chandeliers, a few pots of green plants, is a spring.