联合国全球地理信息管理德清论坛会址 The United Nations global geographic information management forum venue in Deqing

二、设计目标 本方案充分挖掘德清文化,建筑设计理念和地理信息行业特点,从中抽取设计元素,提取配色关系,搭建材料体系,营造空间意蕴,力图打造一个建筑室内设计一体化,地域文化与室内设计一体化的现代复合型的会展空间,符合举办国际性论坛的城市形象,提升德清及地理信息产业发展的层次。 三、设计理念 近修林竹影,远山高流水,昼击云破晓,夜凤舞九天 1.绿色、自然 延续绿色建筑的设计标准。室内设计是建筑设计理念的延伸,空间设计兼顾内外关系。本项目多采用成品安装工艺,在材质色彩上创造一种接近自然的感受,并使外建筑与内建筑以及城市地域有机的结合,成为一个整体。 2.“竹影、云端、泉声” 挖掘德清境内莫干山“竹、云、泉”的三胜的特点,提取当地的材料、肌理,采用流线形体设计,自然形态在室内空间形体不断演绎,营造穹顶之下,行云流水,行走于山水林间的空间体验。 3.地理信息的特点: 在室内设计中通过山、水的设计元素以及现代投影技术与嵌入式LED技术使地理信息影像在空间中抽象地表达,传达地理信息的物理性与人文性,通过技术和艺术的结合,体现联合国地理信息论坛会址的特殊气质。 四、重点图片说明 1.一层大厅入口 地面花岗岩流线形分色,在主入口侧面设置咨询台,与会期间入口处设置临时安检,并增加自助登陆设备。自动扶梯和旋转楼梯处加强多维度的标识系统,悬挂式的投影技术和LED增加多层次的媒体广告载体,活跃空间气氛。 2.一层公共空间 在主体顶部与飘顶交界处设置灯光,即补充空间照明,同时对飘顶进行局部渲染,使其在不同时间段和光环境中都能烘托空间气氛,增加空间的飘逸感。 3.二层公共空间1 空间中三个从属形体材料既有时尚大气的深灰的色铝板,又有表现德清文化的毛面肌理石材,与两个竹木肌理主体形成对话交流。 4多功能厅 此厅以会议为主,同时可作为展厅使用,以灰、黑色搭配木色的国际化设计语言设计空间,地面方块成品地毯。墙面采用一脉相承的金属竹木板形成竖向肌理,吸音墙面,顶部深灰色金属网及吸音布打底,满足建声要求,下挂一层角度倾斜的浅灰色击孔铝板组合,形成二级吊顶,上暗藏日光灯,通过灯光调控来适应各种功能场景的切换需求。 5新闻发布厅 地面方块成品地毯,墙面水泥纤维板吸音板,顶面木纹铝格栅顶部吸音涂料喷涂,并在上方设置斜角度的成品线型灯具加以变化,塑造面向全球的国际媒体发布空间。 6电梯厅 以木纹铝板为主材,内嵌成品线型灯具,地面塑胶地板,整体色调素雅温馨。 This scheme fully tap the Deqing architectural design ideas and culture, geographic information industry features extracted from the design elements, color extraction, building material system, creating the space meaning, trying to build a modern interior design integration, complex regional culture and interior design integrated exhibition space, with host international forum the image of the city, and enhance the Deqing geographic information industry development level. Three, design concept With high mountains near Lin, water hammer, cloud day dawn, night for nine days Continuation of the green building design standards. Interior design is an extension of the architectural design concept, space design both internal and external relations. This project uses the finished product installation process, in the material color to create a close to the natural feeling, and make the external and internal architecture and urban area organic combination, become a whole. Deqing mining territory of Mogan Mountain "bamboo, cloud, spring" three wins, extraction of local materials, texture, the streamline form design, natural form in the interior space form continue to perform, create under the dome, walking in the forest landscape freely flowing style of writing, the experience of space. In the interior design through the design elements of mountain, water and modern projection technology and embedded LED technology makes the geographic information images Abstract Expression in space, to convey the physical and humanistic geographic information, through a combination of technology and art, embodies the special temperament of the United Nations Geographic Information