布咕甜點咖啡店 Boogoo Café

布咕法式甜點咖啡店的名字取自布穀鳥的音譯。將布穀鳥做為發想開端,研究牠們的生活習性後,擷取代孵育的鳥巢為設計概念並加以解構,挹注解構出的線條和色彩於整個空間氛圍中,營造出不一樣的甜點咖啡店。 製作甜點就像孵育一樣要花費心力並且灌注滿滿的愛。一樓天花板鋪滿等腰三角形的原木色美絲板,三角形的形狀猶如甜點師揉壓麵團或是擠花的手部姿勢,傳遞出甜點師在製作過程的用心;原木色美絲板的立體紋路,天然樸實,呈現出鳥巢粗糙的質地,讓一進門的顧客瞬間彷彿身處鳥巢中。 甜點,就像珠寶,擁有一小部分就會開心一整天。不只如此,兩者也都需要用心呵護,小心翼翼地擺放在玻璃展示櫃裡。木作展示櫃鑲上鍍鈦金邊低調地為整個空間增添一絲奢華,甜點宛若一顆顆珠寶在櫃裡閃耀光芒。 天花的三角形轉化成樓梯扶手的幾何線條,一路延伸上二樓,耀入眼簾的是一座由木頭角料交織成的大型裝置鳥巢,到了夜晚,座落其中的吊燈和軌道燈亮起,光影變化映射在牆上,營造出沉靜的劇場氛圍。 BooGoo is a French style dessert/coffee shop. Being inspired by the name, we created the space with the theme “nest” and deconstructed its image from shape and color. Making dessert is just like nesting eggs taking efforts and love. With this concept, we applied triangle wood wool cement boards on the first floor ceiling. Triangle shape is extracted from the movement when pastry chef is making dessert. The raw wooden color and fiber texture of cement boards perfectly present the essence of nest that make guests immediately feel they are inside a nest. It is said that dessert is like jewelry, a small piece of it is enough to brighten your day. Moreover, Dessert needs to be carefully protected and displayed in glass cabinet, just like jewelry. Hence, we coated the cabinet with gold color titanium to add a dash of luxury. The triangle shapes turn into geometric lines and continuously go up to the second floor. As guests step on to the second floor, they could see a gigantic nest made up by intertwining wood beams. With lights on, the projected shadows on the wall produce theatrical atmosphere.