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易间咖啡是中国网易(NASDAQNTES)旗下的咖啡品牌。它位于上海一个世纪前法国人在这里定居的巨鹿路。梧桐树让街道两旁的小西式建筑显得格外宁静。该地点的建筑风格灵感来自于 1930 年代建造的中法公寓。





Yijian Cafe is a coffee brand owned by China NetEase (NASDAQ: NTES). It is located in Shanghai JuLu Road, where the French settled a century ago. The parasole tree makes the small, western buildings on both sides of the street appear rather serene. The location's architecture style takes inspiration from the Sino-French apartments built in the 1930s.

In order to express Yijian's attitude of focusing on producing high-quality coffee, we hope to create an atmosphere a perfect place for high-quality coffee tasting, therefore we created the concept of using a clean wooden box embedded in the city's chaotic concrete ground.

A simple wooden box, a long bar table, it appears simple yet complex. Pass through the alleys while holding hands, and feel the fallen leaves of the four seasons. You will begin to feel the many emotions, within a single space.
