Federation Member
CV美容SPA会所/CV Beauty SPA Club
“女为悦己者容”,不仅仅是为了他人装扮,也是为了自己装扮。好的皮肤底子才能“淡妆浓抹总相宜”,是一种美的自信,无需艳丽的妆容,华美的外衣,从内心出发,便会裙摆飞扬。而这也是设计师拿捏着空间的尺度,将空间进行“减法”处理,拆解着每一个块面,在色彩、材质的方寸间“进退”自如。空间作为美的载体,将每一处的细枝末节都揉进空间之中,赋予了节奏感的同时,塑造出一方干净、素雅的气质,体现处柔美自信的张力。 "Women are those who please themselves", not only for others to dress up, but also for oneself. Only with a good skin foundation can "light makeup and thick makeup are always suitable", it is a kind of beautiful self-confidence, without gorgeous makeup, gorgeous outerwear, starting from the heart, the skirt will fly. And this is also the designer's grasp of the scale of the space, the "subtraction" of the space, disassembling each surface, and "advancing and retreating" freely between the colors and materials. Space is the carrier of beauty, and every detail is rubbed into the space, giving a sense of rhythm, while shaping a clean and elegant temperament, reflecting the tension of gentleness and confidence. 大厅上方采用弧形白色格栅,营造出的仪式感,有着尊重的意味,更是塑造出空间的轻盈、简洁、空旷。在空间结构元素上,以白色设计主题结合弧形板在呆板的墙面上塑造出空间序列感,体现出唯美且庄严的氛围,同时利用上方漫反射光源使空间升腾出轻柔感,让整合空间层次分明,质感跃然纸上。 The arc-shaped white grille above the hall creates a sense of ritual, with a sense of respect, and it also shapes the lightness, simplicity and emptiness of the space. In terms of spatial structural elements, a white design theme combined with curved panels creates a sense of spatial sequence on the rigid wall, reflecting an aesthetic and solemn atmosphere. At the same time, the diffuse light source above is used to make the space rise with a sense of softness and integrate the space. The layers are distinct and the texture is vivid on the paper.